Showing posts with label Hair Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair Care. Show all posts

June Favourites

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Well it's official we are half way through the year already! I swear as I get older the years just seem to go by quicker and quicker. June has all been about comfort and moisturising for me and the products I am about to talk about has helped me with this so let get right into it...

Battle of the Hair Masks

Friday, 24 June 2016

Hair masks seem to popping up everywhere specially coconut hair masks and the great things they can do for your hair. I have tried a few different hair masks to see if I could notice any difference in my hair and to see what all the fuss is all about of course. So today I will be chatting about the benefits from using coconut oil in your hair and a few hair masks that are on the market...

Irresistible Me Clip In Hair Extensions

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

I was recently asked if I would like to try out some hair extensions from Irresistible Me and as I have not had much to do with hair extensions I thought I would give them ago. Now I have a fair amount of hair but it is very thin and dead straight so I have always lacked that thickness and volume in my hair so I didn't really opt for length when I was looking at these extensions...

January Favourites

Monday, 9 February 2015

I know I always say how fast this month has gone but wow hasn't January flown past? For me I haven't really tried a lot of new products this month but I do have a few to share with you all...

My Current Hair Care Routine

Monday, 13 October 2014

I really don't do much when it comes to hair care, it is not something I have really ventured into but I know I really should take care of it more as it is the only hair I have haha. This is what I am currently using...

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