
Monday, 29 February 2016

Nicole's Notes - February

I have seen a lot of bloggers that have been doing these types of chatty life update posts and I have really been loving reading them and getting to know the blogger behind the blog a bit better. So I thought I may start a little series here on NBB every month so you guys can have a little insight into whats happening in my life. So if your interested in getting to know me a bit better then keep on reading...

OK, well if you follow me on Instagram you would know that I am getting married soon (7 weeks!) so I have been so busy organising everything and stressing my head off (I am waiting for the grey hairs to come through) anyone who tells you wedding's are easy are liars! I pretty much have everything sorted now and hopefully everything goes to plan from now on in. Another thing I have been doing that is wedding related is changing up my beauty routine, a couple of weeks ago I got eyelash extensions so I could trial them before the big day instead of wearing strip lashes and I have been loving them so much. So far they just make a huge difference I feel and I will be keeping them for a while I think.

Lack of posts on NBB is happening because of me being super busy at the moment as mentioned above and I am sorry for this. I will try to get as many things up as possible and after April things should go back to normal and I will get a schedule in place and let you all know what it will be.

Other then all of that I don't lead a really interesting life haha I work full time so this takes up a lot of my time and when I am not at work I'm at home with my partner and all of our animals. We live on acreage out of town so we have all the animals including cows, ducks, geese, chickens, horses a little cat and five dogs so I am usually kept pretty busy :) 

Again I am super sorry about the lack of posts (Including my missing February Favourites) but I will be trying my hardest to get something up for you all and after my wedding it should all go back to normal. 

If you have any questions or want to know anything more about me please feel free to leave me a comment below and I will try to answer them all. 


  1. Wow how amazing! So many animals! Just like my parents! They have so many. I love visiting them and playing with them all! Definitely love these types of posts as well! Oh and I am finally allowed back on your blog...still blocked from my own though haha

    Tahana <3

    1. Hehe thanks Hun, maybe there is a cooling off period or something techy I don't know about that stopped you from getting on and I am sure you will be able to access yours soon as well. xx

  2. I love reading things like this, I think it's always nice to hear a little bit more about the people behind the blogs. Sounds like you've been super busy lately, even though it's stressful you must be so excited about your wedding! :)

    1. Thanks Hun, I am getting more and more excited now that I have everything organised. As long as it all continues to go according to plan haha xx

  3. Hope everything goes according to plan with your wedding! Look forward to seeing pictures if you plan on posting any!

    Yousra | Mystic Tales

  4. All your animals sound lovely! I love reading life posts like these, congratulations on your wedding too, so exciting!! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (doing follow for follow on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. Me too! I love reading more about people and their lives as everyone is so different. Thank you it is very exciting :)

  5. Yay animals! I can't wait to get some pets again, but apartment living means they are going to be small haha :) Congratulations on your impending wedding! I imagine they would be so difficult and stressful but it will be all worth it in the end :D Love this kind of post where you find out more about the blogger, keep these up!

    Kate |

    1. Thanks Kate, That's what everyone keeps telling me that it will all be worth it in the end. But I just cannot see it at the moment I am just in the mind frame of oh hurry it up so I can get it over and done with and not stress so much haha But I do hope it gets better from now on xx

  6. I have been loving these posts lately as well, it's so nice to read a bit more about the person than just beauty bits and pieces all the time! How exciting about your wedding! I hope everything goes to plan (as I am sure it will!) Would love to hear about the big day in blog post too! xx

    Chantalle |

    1. Thanks so much :) I have been loving them as well.

  7. You're getting married?!?! Woah it's so soon! Loving the alliteration with 'Nicole's Notes' and looking forward to future posts :) so exciting !
    ~Weng wengiful

  8. True, I like some personal posts once in a while, which reminds me I should probably do one of my own at my site soon.
